Girl, Woman, Other

Girl, Woman, Other

A Novel (Booker Prize Winner)

Buch (Taschenbuch, Englisch)

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Maße (L/B/H)

20,8/14,3/3,7 cm


449 g





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12 Bewertungen

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1 Sterne

Bernardine Evaristo - Girl, Woman, Other

Miss.mesmerized am 12.01.2021

Bewertungsnummer: 1261839

Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

Twelve different women, twelve different fates. Bernardine Evaristo was awarded the Man Booker Prize 2019 for her novel which does not have a real plot with an all-embracing story but for each of the main characters offers a short insight in their life often at crucial turning point. Their stories overlap, are often cleverly intertwined. What they share is the fact that they address fundamental topics: first of all, I’d say “Girl, Woman, Other“ is a feminist novel since the cause of the woman in modern England, mostly the black woman, is the central topic. Apart from this, relationships, sexuality and gender identity are tackled as well as politics and what it means to be successful. “His bredren and sistren could damned well speak up for themselves. Why should he carry the burden of representation when it will only hold him back? White people are only required to represent themselves, not an entire race.” What does it mean to be different? To be black or brown in a predominantly white community. To be homosexual or gender fluid in a primarily heterosexual society. To be a working woman when women are supposed to stay at home to take care of the children and the household. Even when the point of disdain has been overcome, the problems and strange reactions have not necessarily and quite often, the singular example who enters a new community has to represent a whole group and loses his or her individuality. What the characters unites is to differ from the mainstream which does not go unnoticed and uncommented. Most of them go through a tough time which leaves them stronger and makes it easy to empathise with them. The characters are complex, their lives are complicated and at the end of their chapter, they are not the same person they were at the beginning. Which also offers the reader the chance to leave their stand point and to change perspective on certain topics. The novel is full of life and with the award, the spotlight has been turned on to black female and queer literature which have been awfully underrepresented in literary discussion. This is surely one of the strongest novels of 2019 since it contributes to the ongoing public discourse.

Bernardine Evaristo - Girl, Woman, Other

Miss.mesmerized am 12.01.2021
Bewertungsnummer: 1261839
Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

Twelve different women, twelve different fates. Bernardine Evaristo was awarded the Man Booker Prize 2019 for her novel which does not have a real plot with an all-embracing story but for each of the main characters offers a short insight in their life often at crucial turning point. Their stories overlap, are often cleverly intertwined. What they share is the fact that they address fundamental topics: first of all, I’d say “Girl, Woman, Other“ is a feminist novel since the cause of the woman in modern England, mostly the black woman, is the central topic. Apart from this, relationships, sexuality and gender identity are tackled as well as politics and what it means to be successful. “His bredren and sistren could damned well speak up for themselves. Why should he carry the burden of representation when it will only hold him back? White people are only required to represent themselves, not an entire race.” What does it mean to be different? To be black or brown in a predominantly white community. To be homosexual or gender fluid in a primarily heterosexual society. To be a working woman when women are supposed to stay at home to take care of the children and the household. Even when the point of disdain has been overcome, the problems and strange reactions have not necessarily and quite often, the singular example who enters a new community has to represent a whole group and loses his or her individuality. What the characters unites is to differ from the mainstream which does not go unnoticed and uncommented. Most of them go through a tough time which leaves them stronger and makes it easy to empathise with them. The characters are complex, their lives are complicated and at the end of their chapter, they are not the same person they were at the beginning. Which also offers the reader the chance to leave their stand point and to change perspective on certain topics. The novel is full of life and with the award, the spotlight has been turned on to black female and queer literature which have been awfully underrepresented in literary discussion. This is surely one of the strongest novels of 2019 since it contributes to the ongoing public discourse.



Viky am 24.04.2023

Bewertungsnummer: 1928496

Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

Anfangs etwas ungewohnt reinzukommen, aber danach hat mich das Buch voll gepackt. Der Einblick in das Leben der 12 Charaktere fühlt sich sehr persönlich und real an. Es teilt viele verschiene Perspektiven die sehr Interessant gestaltet sind. Es ist vielleicht kein Buch für Leser, die an viel Spannung gewöhnt sind, die das Buch sonnst vielleicht als langweilig empfinden könnten. Alles in allem wirklich ein sehr gutes Buch.


Viky am 24.04.2023
Bewertungsnummer: 1928496
Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

Anfangs etwas ungewohnt reinzukommen, aber danach hat mich das Buch voll gepackt. Der Einblick in das Leben der 12 Charaktere fühlt sich sehr persönlich und real an. Es teilt viele verschiene Perspektiven die sehr Interessant gestaltet sind. Es ist vielleicht kein Buch für Leser, die an viel Spannung gewöhnt sind, die das Buch sonnst vielleicht als langweilig empfinden könnten. Alles in allem wirklich ein sehr gutes Buch.


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Girl, Woman, Other

von Bernardine Evaristo


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  • Girl, Woman, Other