God of Malice
9,99 €
14,10 €
inkl. MwSt,
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Maße (L/B/H)
19,6/12,9/4,1 cm
393 g
From the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author and TikTok sensation comes a gripping, steamy dark mafia romance, perfect for fans of Penelope Douglas and Sophie Lark.
'This book is a must-read' ***** Reader review
'I couldn't put it down, definitely recommend and the spice omg' ***** Reader review
'Dark and delicious' ***** Reader review
'BookTok did not disappoint' ***** Reader review
Killian Carson is a predator cloaked in charm.
His charisma fools everyone-except Glyndon King. She sees the psychopath beneath and knows she should run. But a dark part of her craves the danger, knowing he'll chase her . . . and she might just want to be caught.
Glyndon has never been anyone's favourite, always falling short of her family's expectations.
But Killian? He doesn't expect anything except that she's his now. Their schools are rivals, their families lifelong enemies, but none of that matters to him.
As their pasts collide in more disturbing ways than they imagined, it could either strengthen their bond or be their undoing...
Can two broken souls heal each other, or will their twisted desires tear them apart?
This book is a dark unconventional romance and contains themes that aren't to everyone's liking. Please check the author's note for content warnings before reading.
Readers are obsessed with the Legacy of Gods series:
'I'll never forget them I love them so much' ***** Reader review
'This book was a masterpiece' ***** Reader review
'I WAS NOT PREPARED FOR THIS BOOK! ***** Reader review
I was hooked' ***** Reader review
'Just phenomenal' ***** Reader review
'This book is something else entirely!!!' ***** Reader review
'Absolutely outstanding' ***** Reader review
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