Days at the Morisaki Bookshop
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Days at the Morisaki Bookshop The perfect book to curl up with - for lovers of Japanese translated fiction everywhere

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Days at the Morisaki Bookshop

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Bonnier Books UK



Maße (L/B/H)

19,7/13,2/2 cm


157 g

Übersetzt von

Eric Ozawa














Bonnier Books UK



Maße (L/B/H)

19,7/13,2/2 cm


157 g

Übersetzt von

Eric Ozawa






Europaallee 1
36244 Bad Hersfeld


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6 Bewertungen

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A Tale of Growth, Friendship, and Love for Books

Bewertung (Mitglied der Book Circle Community) am 31.12.2024

Bewertungsnummer: 2375665

Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

The vibes and descriptions of this book are on point. So are the characters. The relationship between Takako and Satoru is hilarious and incredibly heart warming. I loved how the book began with Takako’s life being so scrambled and a mess and her falling into this sort of depressive episode and then there was Satoru who pulled her out and also gave her the love for books. It’s written so wonderfully it really reminded me of the fact no one has their life figured out and that’s alright. Takako didn’t at 25, just like Satoru who’s much older than her. Ups and downs are part of life and the people in your life are there to pull you up if you stumble. Just like Satoru did for Takako and the other way around. The only thing that was missing for me was a bit more romance. But that’s just me being a sucker for romance.

A Tale of Growth, Friendship, and Love for Books

Bewertung (Mitglied der Book Circle Community) am 31.12.2024
Bewertungsnummer: 2375665
Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

The vibes and descriptions of this book are on point. So are the characters. The relationship between Takako and Satoru is hilarious and incredibly heart warming. I loved how the book began with Takako’s life being so scrambled and a mess and her falling into this sort of depressive episode and then there was Satoru who pulled her out and also gave her the love for books. It’s written so wonderfully it really reminded me of the fact no one has their life figured out and that’s alright. Takako didn’t at 25, just like Satoru who’s much older than her. Ups and downs are part of life and the people in your life are there to pull you up if you stumble. Just like Satoru did for Takako and the other way around. The only thing that was missing for me was a bit more romance. But that’s just me being a sucker for romance.


Days at the Morisaki Bookshop

Bewertung (Mitglied der Book Circle Community) am 24.12.2024

Bewertungsnummer: 2370690

Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

Ist eine ruhige, einfühlsame Geschichte über Selbstfindung, Bücher und die Verbindungen zwischen Menschen. Die Handlung spielt in einer kleinen Buchhandlung in Tokio und vermittelt eine angenehme, fast nostalgische Atmosphäre, ohne dabei klischeehaft zu wirken. Die Hauptfigur, Takako, entwickelt sich auf nachvollziehbare Weise, während sie sich mit ihrer Vergangenheit und ihrem gegenwärtigen Leben auseinandersetzt. Die Geschichte verläuft in einem gemächlichen Tempo, bleibt aber durchgehend interessant, da sie auf zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen und der Kraft der Bücher basiert. Das Buch ist ideal für Leser, die einen Blick in das Leben anderer werfen und dabei die transformative Wirkung von Literatur erleben möchten. Es ist kein Buch voller Action oder dramatischer Wendungen, sondern eine leise Erzählung, die zum Nachdenken anregt. **Fazit:** *Days at the Morisaki Bookshop* ist eine Empfehlung für alle, die eine schlichte, aber berührende Geschichte suchen, die Literatur und persönliche Entwicklung in den Mittelpunkt stellt.

Days at the Morisaki Bookshop

Bewertung (Mitglied der Book Circle Community) am 24.12.2024
Bewertungsnummer: 2370690
Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

Ist eine ruhige, einfühlsame Geschichte über Selbstfindung, Bücher und die Verbindungen zwischen Menschen. Die Handlung spielt in einer kleinen Buchhandlung in Tokio und vermittelt eine angenehme, fast nostalgische Atmosphäre, ohne dabei klischeehaft zu wirken. Die Hauptfigur, Takako, entwickelt sich auf nachvollziehbare Weise, während sie sich mit ihrer Vergangenheit und ihrem gegenwärtigen Leben auseinandersetzt. Die Geschichte verläuft in einem gemächlichen Tempo, bleibt aber durchgehend interessant, da sie auf zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen und der Kraft der Bücher basiert. Das Buch ist ideal für Leser, die einen Blick in das Leben anderer werfen und dabei die transformative Wirkung von Literatur erleben möchten. Es ist kein Buch voller Action oder dramatischer Wendungen, sondern eine leise Erzählung, die zum Nachdenken anregt. **Fazit:** *Days at the Morisaki Bookshop* ist eine Empfehlung für alle, die eine schlichte, aber berührende Geschichte suchen, die Literatur und persönliche Entwicklung in den Mittelpunkt stellt.


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Days at the Morisaki Bookshop

von Satoshi Yagisawa


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Thalia Wien – Westbahnhof

Zum Portrait


A love letter to reading

Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

“Day by day, the leaves of the trees along the streets turned to gold. It delighted me to see how well the changing colors matched the slow transformation happening inside me.” After getting dumped by her boyfriend and shortly thereafter quitting her job Takako moves in with her uncle who runs a second hand bookshop. Feeling depressed she spends her days sleeping and sometimes helping out in the shop. Tatako never was an avid reader nor did she have any interest in literatur. Once boredom gets the better of her she decides to pick up a book and quickly is enthralled by reading. „Days at the Morisaki bookshop“ is a moving and quick read for bibliophiles who want to relive the moment they first fell in love with reading.
  • Lou
  • Buchhändler/-in

A love letter to reading

Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

“Day by day, the leaves of the trees along the streets turned to gold. It delighted me to see how well the changing colors matched the slow transformation happening inside me.” After getting dumped by her boyfriend and shortly thereafter quitting her job Takako moves in with her uncle who runs a second hand bookshop. Feeling depressed she spends her days sleeping and sometimes helping out in the shop. Tatako never was an avid reader nor did she have any interest in literatur. Once boredom gets the better of her she decides to pick up a book and quickly is enthralled by reading. „Days at the Morisaki bookshop“ is a moving and quick read for bibliophiles who want to relive the moment they first fell in love with reading.


Thalia Vöcklabruck – Varena

Zum Portrait


Days at the Morisaki Bookshop

Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

This book was love at first sight. At least from my side. The cover has a beautiful design and the colors match perfectly with the vibe of the book. Neither too bright nor too dark or pastel-colored. The story starts with a young woman named Takako and her cheating husband. He's getting married to their coworker. A few weeks after the breakup, Takako decides to quit her job and her mental state starts worsening. One day her uncle Satoru offers Takako to live rent-free at his bookshop. The Morisaki bookshop theaches them both a lesson about life and slowly everything starts feeling like life again.  A beautiful story, quick to read, but still with a strong message behind those letters. I would definitely recommend this book to all the people who can't handle change and who feel alone. 
  • Lui
  • Buchhändler/-in

Days at the Morisaki Bookshop

Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

This book was love at first sight. At least from my side. The cover has a beautiful design and the colors match perfectly with the vibe of the book. Neither too bright nor too dark or pastel-colored. The story starts with a young woman named Takako and her cheating husband. He's getting married to their coworker. A few weeks after the breakup, Takako decides to quit her job and her mental state starts worsening. One day her uncle Satoru offers Takako to live rent-free at his bookshop. The Morisaki bookshop theaches them both a lesson about life and slowly everything starts feeling like life again.  A beautiful story, quick to read, but still with a strong message behind those letters. I would definitely recommend this book to all the people who can't handle change and who feel alone. 

Meinungen aus unserer Buchhandlung

Days at the Morisaki Bookshop

von Satoshi Yagisawa

0 Rezensionen filtern

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