Two Twisted Crowns
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Two Twisted Crowns the instant NEW YORK TIMES and USA TODAY bestseller

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Two Twisted Crowns

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Little, Brown Book Group


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4 Bewertungen

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Two twisted crowns

Hanna aus Hürth am 12.01.2025

Bewertungsnummer: 2384934

Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

I loved the first book and was shocked by it's end, so I really looked forward to the second book. And I was not disappointed! At the beginning I was not satisfied by the different POVs and the shift in character focus, but this soon settled and I thoroughly enjoyed this book as much as the first. The world is dark and twisted, the plot is not predictable and I loved all the main characters (for their own distinct reasons). I can highly recommend these two books. Ove of my favourites now!!!

Two twisted crowns

Hanna aus Hürth am 12.01.2025
Bewertungsnummer: 2384934
Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

I loved the first book and was shocked by it's end, so I really looked forward to the second book. And I was not disappointed! At the beginning I was not satisfied by the different POVs and the shift in character focus, but this soon settled and I thoroughly enjoyed this book as much as the first. The world is dark and twisted, the plot is not predictable and I loved all the main characters (for their own distinct reasons). I can highly recommend these two books. Ove of my favourites now!!!


Imaginative adventure

SaGe am 16.10.2024

Bewertungsnummer: 2318063

Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

The second volume is an equal continuation of the first volume. Basically, I really liked the story. It is told from several points of view. I think it's a shame that Ravyn and Elsbeth take a bit of a back seat as the main characters. Although they are the solution to getting rid of the infection. The characters are authentic. The setting is well described and doesn't drag on. The atmosphere is rather oppressive due to the magic. The idea of the story is very original. The fog with its negative effects reminds me a little of geoengineering, but only a little bit.

Imaginative adventure

SaGe am 16.10.2024
Bewertungsnummer: 2318063
Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

The second volume is an equal continuation of the first volume. Basically, I really liked the story. It is told from several points of view. I think it's a shame that Ravyn and Elsbeth take a bit of a back seat as the main characters. Although they are the solution to getting rid of the infection. The characters are authentic. The setting is well described and doesn't drag on. The atmosphere is rather oppressive due to the magic. The idea of the story is very original. The fog with its negative effects reminds me a little of geoengineering, but only a little bit.


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Two Twisted Crowns

von Rachel Gillig


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Thalia Vöcklabruck – Varena

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4,5 Stars

Bewertet: eBook (ePUB)

"The two were together, so the two were the same. The girl, the king, and the monster they became.” I don't know what to say exactly. This book is everything i needed it to be and even more. The POV from Elm was a Powermove from Gillig. If you liked the first book, you will love the second.
  • Jessica
  • Buchhändler/-in

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4,5 Stars

Bewertet: eBook (ePUB)

"The two were together, so the two were the same. The girl, the king, and the monster they became.” I don't know what to say exactly. This book is everything i needed it to be and even more. The POV from Elm was a Powermove from Gillig. If you liked the first book, you will love the second.

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Two Twisted Crowns

von Rachel Gillig

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