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Twisted Games

Bridget & Rhys

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Sunshine & Grumphy

Toni am 19.07.2024

Bewertungsnummer: 2248008

Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

War zuerst etwas zwie gespalten ob mehr die love intrest gefallen sind mir dann aber ans Herz gewachsen. Mag es das die anderen Protagonisten aus band 1 immer noch da sind und immer mal iweder erwähnt werden oder auftauchen bin gespannr auf teil 3. Hat sich in der mitte etwas gezogen aber sonst gut.

Sunshine & Grumphy

Toni am 19.07.2024
Bewertungsnummer: 2248008
Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

War zuerst etwas zwie gespalten ob mehr die love intrest gefallen sind mir dann aber ans Herz gewachsen. Mag es das die anderen Protagonisten aus band 1 immer noch da sind und immer mal iweder erwähnt werden oder auftauchen bin gespannr auf teil 3. Hat sich in der mitte etwas gezogen aber sonst gut.



Chu aus Oberhausen am 17.05.2024

Bewertungsnummer: 2202837

Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

Wow... I just loved reading this book with a great story and such good characters!!! I couldnt stop reading and i really loved Rhys and Bridget. SHE IS A POWERWOMAN!!! I really Reccommend reading this and the other books from the twisted series!!


Chu aus Oberhausen am 17.05.2024
Bewertungsnummer: 2202837
Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

Wow... I just loved reading this book with a great story and such good characters!!! I couldnt stop reading and i really loved Rhys and Bridget. SHE IS A POWERWOMAN!!! I really Reccommend reading this and the other books from the twisted series!!


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Twisted Games

von Ana Huang


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Sarah B.

Thalia Wien – Westfield Donau Zentrum

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“You don’t need a crown to be queen, princess.”

Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

After reading "Twisted Love" by Ana Huang and immediately falling in love with her writing style, I had to read the second part of the "Twisted" series as well. In this part we accompany the princess of Eldorra - Bridget - who we already know from the first part of the series. With a heavy heart, she says goodbye to her previous bodyguard, who is being replaced by Rhys. He implements new security measures to better protect her, but Bridget is reluctant to compromise. Despite the turbulent phase of getting to know each other, they become friends over time. The more time they spend together, the harder it is to ignore the spark that exists between them. But when Bridget learns that her brother chose love over Eldorra and is thus abdicating, her world turns upside down. Her brother has been preparing his whole life to become king and now Bridget must not only acquire all the knowledge in a short time, but also give up the freedom she had in the USA. But the future queen of Eldorra can't be with her bodyguard, and after her brother's abdication, she doesn't want to cause a stir. Besides, the crown would go to her hated cousin and she doesn't want that either. Is there really a future for Rhys and Bridget...? I really liked the dynamic between Bridget having to take on responsibilities as the future queen and Rhys not neglecting his duties as her bodyguard. The fact that Alex from "Twisted Love" and Rhys couldn't be more different also surprised me. If you're in the mood for a slow burn romance and forbidden love, you'll have fun reading "Twisted Games".
  • Sarah B.
  • Buchhändler/-in

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“You don’t need a crown to be queen, princess.”

Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

After reading "Twisted Love" by Ana Huang and immediately falling in love with her writing style, I had to read the second part of the "Twisted" series as well. In this part we accompany the princess of Eldorra - Bridget - who we already know from the first part of the series. With a heavy heart, she says goodbye to her previous bodyguard, who is being replaced by Rhys. He implements new security measures to better protect her, but Bridget is reluctant to compromise. Despite the turbulent phase of getting to know each other, they become friends over time. The more time they spend together, the harder it is to ignore the spark that exists between them. But when Bridget learns that her brother chose love over Eldorra and is thus abdicating, her world turns upside down. Her brother has been preparing his whole life to become king and now Bridget must not only acquire all the knowledge in a short time, but also give up the freedom she had in the USA. But the future queen of Eldorra can't be with her bodyguard, and after her brother's abdication, she doesn't want to cause a stir. Besides, the crown would go to her hated cousin and she doesn't want that either. Is there really a future for Rhys and Bridget...? I really liked the dynamic between Bridget having to take on responsibilities as the future queen and Rhys not neglecting his duties as her bodyguard. The fact that Alex from "Twisted Love" and Rhys couldn't be more different also surprised me. If you're in the mood for a slow burn romance and forbidden love, you'll have fun reading "Twisted Games".

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Twisted Games

von Ana Huang

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