A Treachery of Swans
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Gebundene Ausgabe
12 - 17 Jahr(e)
Penguin Books UKSeitenzahl
Maße (L/B/H)
24/15,6/4 cm
750 g
An enthralling sapphic retelling of Swan Lake, for fans of Allison Saft and V.E Schwab.
Magic has long been outlawed in Réveillon. Odile has always known she’d be the one to restore it.
Raised by a sorcerer, Odile has spent years preparing for the heist of a lifetime. It’s relatively simple. Impersonate a princess, infiltrate the palace, steal the great sceptre and restore magic to the kingdom.
But when the King is unexpectedly murdered, she’s forced to recruit the help of Marie, the real princess, and the two begin to unravel a web of lies and deceit that leaves Odile uncertain of who to trust.
Soon though Odile must decide – her mission or the girl she’s falling for?
The fate of the Kingdom depends on her making the right choice. . .
Reviews for Where the Dark Stands Still
'A deeply romantic debut'. Sarah Underwood, NYT Bestselling Author of Lies We Sing to the Sea
'The dark, gothic fairy tale of my dreams' Kika Hatzopoulou, author of the Sunday Times Bestseller Threads that Bind
'Folkloric and beautiful' Lyndall Clipstone, author of Unholy Terrors and the World at the Lake's Edge duology.
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