The Uncomfortable Truth Change Your Life By Taming 10 of Your Mind's Greatest Fears
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Penguin Books LtdSeitenzahl
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440 g
‘Some people don’t like me”
“Bad things will happen to people I love”
“I’m going to fail”
… these words underpinned my anxieties and nightmares. I bet they feature in yours too.
Our fears are anchored in the unavoidable truths of life; all things reach an end, bad things happen, and we lack the control we crave.
As an experienced psychotherapist, who’s had years of therapy, I realised that ploughing endless energy into trying to control the uncontrollable is keeping us all tired, wired, and worried. Ignoring fears doesn’t make them less true, it makes them more powerful. I decided to try a different tact and it changed my world.
Instead of doing everything I could to ease and avoid life’s uncomfortable truths, I sought a deeper acceptance of them. Through using this approach, my clients and I discovered that fear began to loosen its grip. We were living more intentionally and peacefully.
So, face your fears one a chapter at a time, and discover who you are without worry, doubt and people-pleasing holding you back.
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