Upgrading Earth
Exploring the marvelous plan and purpose for humanity and our planet!
15,99 €
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Jamie SlaatsSeitenzahl
Maße (L/B/H)
21,6/14/1,3 cm
A Refreshingly Sensible Book about an Optimistic Future for Humanity! Evolutionary science doesn't answer it. Religion generally doesn't seem to answer it. The elephant in the room is a question that demands a response: What is the practical purpose of the earth? Does one exist? If we analyze all existing data in the world, does any of it uncover a blueprint plan for an optimistic, reassuring, and hope-filled future for humanity and our planet? What if earth is in fact an organic super technology? What if it was never meant to be saved, but rather needs a complex upgrade. We upgrade our phones, computers, TVs, clothing, and city infrastructure. So why not planet earth? But then more questions arise. How? When? How long? What's the next version? Who leads the restorative upgrade? Forget the Apocalyptic Future! Our Future is Marvelous! Let me take you on a journey in discovering if answers to these questions exist. And if they do, let me introduce you to how you can play a personal role in the great upgrade ... if you desire.
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