The End of Driving
Automated Cars, Sharing Vs Owning, and the Future of Mobility
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The End of Driving: Transportation Systems and Public Policy Planning for Automated Vehicles, Second Edition explores both the potential of vehicle automation technology and the barriers it faces when considering coherent urban deployment. The book evaluates the case for deliberate development of automated public transportation and mobility-as-a-service as paths towards sustainable mobility, describing critical approaches to the planning and management of vehicle automation technology. It serves as a reference for understanding the full life cycle of the multi-year transportation systems planning processes, including novel regulation, planning, and acquisition tools for regional transportation. Application-oriented, research-based, and solution-oriented, this book concludes with a detailed discussion of the systems design needed for accomplishing this shift. This thoroughly updated second edition covers the future technology application milestones that will mark the rate of progress in the years ahead, including some that may not come to pass. More importantly, reasons for the existing lack of consensus on environmental impacts of vehicle automation will be tied to the visible milestones. I
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