An Elegant Crime. Life is a Story -
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Within twenty-four hours of examining a news story of an end that could have been, an unphased thief enters a sophisticated gallery within a fine arts museum. A scandal would break the next day leaving countless astonished, the thief among them. In standard society, he was unheard of. At a chain restaurant, he had periodically been known as a presumptuous yet dependable waiter. In the ring, he made a detrimental mistake. It was far from his last. Millions may never know the name Marcel Morano, but they would remember his most shocking crime. In an unheard story, Marcel Morano is the cunning spectacle of peculiar artistry. Elegant Crime is as unexpectedly dark as the stolen masterpiece itself. A whirl of complex morals and twisted humor will entrance those who seek a tasteful thrill.
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