Not Here to Be Liked
15,99 €
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ab 13 Jahr(e)
Harper Collins (US)Seitenzahl
Maße (L/B/H)
20,1/13,2/2,5 cm
330 g
“A smart romance with heart and guts and all the intoxicating feelings in between.” —Maureen Johnson, New York Times bestselling author of 13 Little Blue Envelopes
Emergency Contact meets Moxie in this cheeky and searing novel that unpacks just how complicated new love can get…when you fall for your enemy.
Eliza Quan is the perfect candidate for editor in chief of her school paper. That is, until ex-jock Len DiMartile decides on a whim to run against her. Suddenly her vast qualifications mean squat because inexperienced Len—who is tall, handsome, and male—just seems more like a leader.
When Eliza’s frustration spills out in a viral essay, she finds herself inspiring a feminist movement she never meant to start, caught between those who believe she’s a gender equality champion and others who think she’s simply crying misogyny.
Amid this growing tension, the school asks Eliza and Len to work side by side to demonstrate civility. But as they get to know one another, Eliza feels increasingly trapped by a horrifying realization—she just might be falling for the face of the patriarchy himself.
New York Times New and Upcoming Young Adult Book to Watch For * A Junior Library Guild Selection * Parents Magazine Best Books of the Year * NPR Best Books of the Year * Kirkus Best Books of the Year * Rise: A Feminist Book Project Book of the Year * A CCBC Choices Pick of the Year * Bank Street Best Children's Books of the Year *
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Ich fande es echt schön!
Bewertung am 17.11.2024
Bewertungsnummer: 2343131
Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)
Sehr schön geschriebene Geschichte, die gleichzeitig ernstzunehmende gesellschaftliche Themen behandelt!
Bewertung aus Recklinghausen am 24.10.2021
Bewertungsnummer: 1593517
Bewertet: eBook (ePUB)
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