Intentionally Becoming Different Coach yourself ¿ Live your life
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Maße (L/B/H)
22,9/15,2/0,9 cm
220 g
Do you ever wish you could change your life for the better? Would you like to become the person you always wanted to be and fulfil your true potential? Intentionally Becoming Different is a unique self-help book which will equip you with the tools you need to transform yourself from within. Written by Alexander Trost, this book will act as your own virtual life coach, helping you take the first steps on your own journey of reflection, discovery and improvement. Blending vital life lessons with relevant literature and research, Intentionally Becoming Different shares the theory behind unfolding your true self before explaining how you can apply it to your own life. Each chapter concludes with a series of questions to ask yourself as well as practical exercises you can try on your road to a better you. Unlike some self-help books, Intentionally Becoming Different isn't about following the latest fad or quick fix suggestions for happiness. This book will help you to gain genuine clarity about yourself so you can initiate a lasting transformation. You won't be asked to follow a list of tips which worked for other people, instead, you will be shown how to examine yourself from a new perspective, develop a constructive mindset and swap negative behaviours for beneficial ones. This book is your ticket to an engaging coaching journey of more than half a dozen virtual coaching sessions, guided by carefully crafted models, frameworks and insightful questions."It feels as if Alexander Trost wrote a book just for me and titled it: 'Intentionally Becoming Different'. Then I realized it's for everyone who needs a road map for both discovering and living their purpose. This masterpiece is a comprehensive guide for filling your life with greater deliberation and intention. Dive in like I did, and you'll never be the same." - Scott Jeffrey Miller, Amazon and Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author of "Management Mess to Leadership Success" and "Everyone Deserves A Great Manager", Inc.com columnist and host of FranklinCovey's On Leadership with Scott Miller podcast"Alexander Trost's book is a must read for those who choose to be the master of their fate. Wisely carved in wisdom, knowledge and experience, Trost leads us into the realm of mindfulness, effective communication, an understanding of our emotions and a life with purpose. He guides us with clarity into becoming different in order to achieve self-esteem and peak performance in leading a full, fruitful life. A mind changer." - Lenny Ravich, Author of "Everlasting Optimism" and Co-Founder of Deliveringdelight.com
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