Know Your Worth How to build your self-esteem, grow in confidence and worry less about what people think
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Your worth never changed. Your awareness of it did. It's time rediscover what's been there all along.
A strong sense of self-worth is crucial to living an authentic and fulfilling life, yet many of us lack an understanding of who we truly are and our intrinsic value. We might say we suffer from low confidence, imposter syndrome, fear or anxiety, or that we are at the mercy of chronic busy-ness, exhaustion and overwhelm, but at the core of all of these is low self-esteem.
In Know Your Worth, Sunday Times bestselling author and psychotherapist Anna Mathur uses her professional insight to help you understand why you feel the way you do and how you can set your self-esteem on a healthy upward spiral so that you can escape the relentless desire to 'be better' and 'do more'. It will also give you the confidence to start worrying less about other people's opinion of you by helping you to realise that you are actually far more acceptable than you think.
Based on Anna's experience of tackling her own lack of self-esteem - and the ten years she has spent facilitating her therapy clients to do the same - Know Your Worth will help you recognise and appreciate your worth, grow in confidence and develop a new respect for yourself.
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