Organization Design
The Practitioner's Guide
Buch (Taschenbuch, Englisch)
72,99 €
inkl. gesetzl. MwSt.Beschreibung
Taylor & FrancisSeitenzahl
Maße (L/B/H)
23,1/15,3/2,1 cm
Organization Design looks at how to (re)design an organizational system in order to increase productivity, performance and value, and provides the knowledge and methodology to design an adaptive, agile organization capable of handling the kind of continuous organizational change that all businesses face. The book clarifies why and how organizations need to be in a state of readiness to design or redesign, and emphasizes that people as well as business processes must be part of design considerations.
With an enhanced international focus, this third edition includes new material on:
- organization design theories
- designing ethical, diverse and inclusive organizations
- the role of leaders in organization design work
- organization design in public sector organizations
- and evaluating the success of an organization design project
This book is a must-read for students or practitioners involved in organizational design, development and change.
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