Band 5
Darker: Fifty Shades Darker as Told by Christian Fifty Shades Darker as Told by Christian
Aus der Reihe
Fifty Shades of Grey Band 5
17,99 €
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Random House USASeitenzahl
Maße (L/B/H)
23,3/15,1/3,2 cm
611 g
E L James revisits the world of Fifty Shades with a deeper and darker take on the love story that has enthralled millions of readers around the globe.
Their scorching, sensual affair ended in heartbreak and recrimination, but Christian Grey cannot get Anastasia Steele out of his mind, or his blood. Determined to win her back, he tries to suppress his darkest desires and his need for complete control, and to love Ana on her own terms.
But the horrors of his childhood still haunt him, and Ana's scheming boss, Jack Hyde, clearly wants her for himself. Can Christian's confidant and therapist, Dr. Flynn, help him face down his demons? Or will the possessiveness of Elena, his seducer, and the deranged devotion of Leila, his former submissive, drag Christian down into the past?
And if Christian does win Ana back, can a man so dark and damaged ever hope to keep her?
Look for E L James's passionate new love story, The Mister, available now.
Their scorching, sensual affair ended in heartbreak and recrimination, but Christian Grey cannot get Anastasia Steele out of his mind, or his blood. Determined to win her back, he tries to suppress his darkest desires and his need for complete control, and to love Ana on her own terms.
But the horrors of his childhood still haunt him, and Ana's scheming boss, Jack Hyde, clearly wants her for himself. Can Christian's confidant and therapist, Dr. Flynn, help him face down his demons? Or will the possessiveness of Elena, his seducer, and the deranged devotion of Leila, his former submissive, drag Christian down into the past?
And if Christian does win Ana back, can a man so dark and damaged ever hope to keep her?
Look for E L James's passionate new love story, The Mister, available now.
Unsere Kundinnen und Kunden meinen
leider nicht so meins
Christines_Lesetagbuch am 29.01.2021
Bewertungsnummer: 1433272
Bewertet: eBook (ePUB)
Leider fand ich Band 02 aus seiner Sicht nicht ganz so interessant wie den Ersten. Es ist zwar schön, viele Situationen aus Christians Sicht zusehen, vor allem der Absturz von Charlie Tango, doch oft fand ich es langatmig und zäh flüssig.
Ich lese zwar auf jeden Fall die Reihe fertig, doch sicher nur einmal.
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