Ana Maria Pacheco: And Exercise of Power: The Art of Ana Maria Pacheco
783,99 €
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This special edition consists of two volumes on the art of Ana Maria Pacheco - Ana Maria Pacheco: Dark Night of the Soul by Sanda M. Miller and John Hedgecoe, and Exercise of Power: The Art of Ana Maria Pacheco by George Szirtes - in a slipcased set with Pacheco's signed, original, limited-edition print Hairy Legs of the Queen of Sheba.Ana Maria Pacheco grew up in Brazil, where she was surrounded by a culture that was richly influenced both by the Catholic religion and by the rituals of the indigenous population. Her suite of polychrome sculpture Dark Night of the Soul translates the legend of St Sebastian into a twentieth-century context. Ana Maria Pacheco: Dark Night of the Soul is the first book to trace the development of that work and its inspiration, and to document the finished piece through stunning and dramatic photography by John Hedgecoe.Exercise of Power: The Art of Ana Maria Pacheco traces the career of Ana Maria Pacheco from her origins and education in Brazil, through her arrival in England as a British Council scholar at the Slade in 1973, and her development over the next twenty-five years into one of the outstanding figurative artists of her time.
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