The Plague Tales
9,99 €
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Random House N.Y.Seitenzahl
Maße (L/B/H)
17,6/10,9/2,9 cm
309 g
It is history's most feared disease. It turned neighbor against neighbor, the civilized into the savage, and the living into the dead. Now, in a spellbinding novel of adventure and science, romance and terror, two eras are joined by a single trace of microscopic bacterium-the invisible seeds of a new bubonic plague.
In the year 1348, a disgraced Spanish physician crosses a landscape of horrors to Avignon, France. There, he will be sent on an impossible mission to England, to save the royal family from the Black Death. . . .
Nearly seven hundred years later, a woman scientist digs up a clod of earth in London. In a world where medicine is tightly controlled, she will unearth a terror lying dormant for centuries.
From the primitive cures of the Middle Ages to the biological police state of our near future, The Plague Tales is a thrilling race against time and mass destruction. For in 2005, humankind's last hope for survival can come only from one place: out of a dark and tortured past.
Praise for The Plague Tales
"Benson reveals a formidable talent as she blends historical fiction with a near-future bio-thriller."-Publishers Weekly (starred review)
"Harrowing . . . Will give readers both nightmares and thrills . . . A carefully woven page-turner from which . . . Robin Cook and Michael Crichton could learn."-Library Journal
"A hard-to-put-down thriller steeped in historical fiction and bio-tech sci-fi."-Middlesex News (Mass.)
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