Adolf Martin Ritter

Geboren 1933; Studium der Ev. Theologie in Marburg, Heidelberg, Göttingen und Athen; 1962 Promotion; 1970 Habilitation; seit 1981 Ordinarius für Historische Theologie in Heidelberg; seit 1999 emeritiert; 2000 Dr. h.c. Cluj-Napoca (Klausenburg); 2002 Dr. h.c. Oradea (Grosswardein).

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Geschichte des Christentums V
Band 8 Vorbesteller

Geschichte des Christentums V

The >long 19th century<- from the French Revolution to the end of the World War I - can also be perceived in church history as an epoch of ruptures as well as new beginnings,
orientations towards tradition as well as modernization. The "short 20th century" - marked by the consequences of two world wars and fascist as well as communist ictatorships - presented the churches with new challenges, not least that of secularization. On the other hand, this century is marked by an ecumenical rapprochement of the denominations, by an intensive coming to terms with the past of the churches and by their participation in democratic reconstruction. These two major sections, which pay particular attention to developments in Germany and Europe, are supplemented
by a contribution on the history of Orthodoxy.
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