Inked Hearts
A Bad Boy Next Door Romance
29,99 €
inkl. gesetzl. MwSt.- Kostenlose Lieferung ab 30 € Einkaufswert
- Versandkostenfrei für Bonuscard-Kund*innen
Maße (L/B/H)
21,6/14/2,9 cm
You ever feel like life hands you a script, and you're just playing your part? Well, that was me-Diana, living the life my mom mapped out. Runway walks, posh living, and absolutely zero say in my own Californian story. Crazy, right?
My checklist for a fulfilling life was pretty standard - a dog, a cozy apartment, a car that doesn't hate the environment, a job that feels less like a cage, and, oh yes, fine arts. I was the runway puppet, chauffeured around in a car I never drove, and there was an unwarranted fear of me running over someone. Did I mention Mom's disdain for dogs? Yeah, I never got that either.
Then came this online ad, a whisper of freedom. Three hundred bucks, two bags, and a ticket later, I'm in London. Goodbye, golden cage; hello, spontaneous adventure.
Inkphoric became my refuge, a tattoo haven that felt like home. Who'd have thought a tattoo studio could be so much more than a job? In that buzzing ink-scented space, I found my tribe, my people. They became the family I never knew I needed.
And then there's Ryder, turning my world upside down. Love? Unexpected, but hey, life's a wild ride.
"Some things were meant to be marked on the skin."
This, my friend, is life off-script, and it's pretty darn exciting.
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