Paper & Paperboard Packaging Better Packaging Better World
Aus der Reihe
Embalagem Melhor Mundo Melhor
12,99 €
inkl. MwStBeschreibung
ePUB 3
Family Sharing
18 - 99 Jahr(e)
Instituto de Embalagens LTDASeitenzahl
340 (Printausgabe)
51790 KB
2. Auflage
Following the path of the previous publications of the Better Packaging Better World collection, we aim, with this new book, to shed light on paper and paperboard packaging, covering the entire chain, from conception to final disposal. All of the authors dedicated their time to explain the latest developments in this area while Instituto de Embalagens' content curation team was attentive to coherently organize the information.
We understand that we must raise awareness among the population and packaging developers, professionals that make choices about packaging in different companies. They must understand the possibilities and applications of paper and paperboard packaging. This book provides information that guides the decision-making process and allows to reach its full potential.
We need to have an unbiased and impartial bibliography and a speech to guide the durable goods, consumer, and packaging industries.
The coauthors understood the challenge and sought updated information to reach the expected result. We aimed to explain the benefits of paper and paperboard packaging and how we should work to use them in a new world.
Better Paper and Paperboard Packaging Better World!
We understand that we must raise awareness among the population and packaging developers, professionals that make choices about packaging in different companies. They must understand the possibilities and applications of paper and paperboard packaging. This book provides information that guides the decision-making process and allows to reach its full potential.
We need to have an unbiased and impartial bibliography and a speech to guide the durable goods, consumer, and packaging industries.
The coauthors understood the challenge and sought updated information to reach the expected result. We aimed to explain the benefits of paper and paperboard packaging and how we should work to use them in a new world.
Better Paper and Paperboard Packaging Better World!
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