House of Hunger
the shiver-inducing, skin-prickling, mouth-watering feast of a Gothic novel
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When a band of wounded refugees from beyond the Wall comes to Bethel seeking sanctuary, Immanuelle realises that her nightmares of fire and blood are more than figments . all the way to Hebron, where she meets two ruthless Grand Magisters - brother and sister - who are beind this war on superstition and mysticism.
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A thrilling ride into darkness
Bewertung am 31.07.2024
Bewertungsnummer: 2256746
Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)
While the misery of Prane in the beginning of the novel was a bit too much for my personal taste, it gave us a thorough idea of what to expect from Marion as our brave, resilient protagonist driving with force into debauched opulence. The polite language of the nobles doing the most horrifying things was an amusing contrast. I really enjoyed the eerie atmosphere, the sisterhood, and the hunger theme. I loved how Lisavet was secretive and subtly terrifying, seemingly heartless but passionate, willing to kill and devour, proudly showing off her gruesome trophies. I loved the sensual eroticism between the sapphic leads and their levelheaded trickery, fighting and flirting. It got darker with every chapter & had a satifying ending. Worth devouring.
Exceeded Expectations
Ronja am 24.01.2024
Bewertungsnummer: 2116271
Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)
Wow that was quite a ride... I could have never foreseen the ending. I have to say I loved the writing, it's quite complex, but very beautiful. This is definitely the greatest book I have read this year. My expectations were definitely surpassed. I would recommend the book for people that would love to read a gory, horrid Sapphic story and love a... well... let's say surprise factor...
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