Fractus Europa
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TAKE A THRILL RIDE INTO THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW THROUGH A EUROPE FRACTURED BY SEISMIC CHANGE. An American journalist in Moscow uncovers a startling twist in American/Russian relations. A health care administrator struggles to keep medical services afloat amid a crumbling NHS in post-Brexit England. A Ukrainian soldier struggles to reconcile his pre- and post-war identities. This collection of short stories and beautifully rendered maps takes readers where academics and think tank philosophers dare not tread. Written by journalists and experts in regions with geopolitical unrest who have witnessed periods of great upheaval and threats both foreign and domestic, these fictionalized accounts depict the all-too-real failings of ideology and idealism in a Eurozone dystopia that has already arrived. Edited by the late Eric C. Anderson, former US Intelligence officer and author of several thrillers including the more recent "New Caliphate" trilogy-Osiris, Anubis, and Horus and the cyber thriller Byte and co-edited by Adam Dunn, author of the "More" series-Rivers of Gold, The Big Dogs, and Saint Underground-the collection features works by Conrad Zielan, Constantine Bouchagiar, Preston Smith, Peter Galuszka, David J. Doesser, Daria Sapenko, Graham Thomas, Fergal Parkinson, Nick Eaden, and Peter Heather.
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