Serbian A2 Jokes and Anecdotes Part 2 / Srpski A2 Vicevi i anegdote 2. deo Short Reading Texts in Latin and Cyrillic Script for Level A2 = Intermediate Low
9,99 €
inkl. MwStBeschreibung
Family Sharing
ab 6 Jahr(e)
Via tolino mediaSeitenzahl
25 (Printausgabe)
120 KB
Englisch, Serbisch
The second part of the book series "Serbian A2 Jokes and Anecdotes" is designed for learners at the level A2 = Intermediate Low who are already stable at the level A1 and who want to expand their vocabulary in an amusing and enjoyable way. The communication in everyday language use will be benefited. The texts are written in both of Serbian alphabets: the Latin and the Cyrillic script, and they consist of short dialogues in the form of jokes and anecdotes. Questions below the texts can be used to start a conversation.
The vocabulary list at the end of the book can be used for a quick lookup of less known words.
For more information about the book series and other publications for learning Serbian, please visit our homepage.
Weitere Bände von Serbian Reader - Jokes and Anecdotes
Zur Artikeldetailseite von Serbian A2 Jokes and Anecdotes Part 1 / Srpski A2 Vicevi i anegdote 1. deo des Autors Snezana Stefanovic
Band 1
Snezana Stefanovic
Serbian A2 Jokes and Anecdotes Part 1 / Srpski A2 Vicevi i anegdote 1. deoeBook
9,99 €
Zur Artikeldetailseite von Serbian A2 Jokes and Anecdotes Part 2 / Srpski A2 Vicevi i anegdote 2. deo des Autors Snezana Stefanovic
Band 2
Snezana Stefanovic
Serbian A2 Jokes and Anecdotes Part 2 / Srpski A2 Vicevi i anegdote 2. deoeBook
9,99 €
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