Revisiting the National Socialist Legacy: Coming to Terms with Forced Labor, Expropriation, Compensation, and Restitution Bruno Kreisky International Studies 3
54,90 €
inkl. MwSt,
Oliver RathkolbVerlag
Studien VerlagSeitenzahl
928 g
Since the mid 1990s, both the political, legal and historical debate concerning these topics has re-started and led to the establishment of nearly 30 historical commissions, starting with the Bergier-Commission in Switzerland. The work of several of these Commissions in Switzerland, Austria, Spain and Lithuania as well as similar efforts in Argentina are compared in this book. An unpublished extensive memoir of George Slazak, a young Pole, forced into the Nazi labour machinery as a child, who has survived one of the brutal Nazi Labour Education Camps in Austria, enlarges the academic and political debate into the personal perspective of millions of forced laborers.
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